Thursday 31 July 2014

Elegant Hairstyles

The 1960s offered a very elegant and graceful take on hairstyles for women and men alike. Today you will see that some of the major celebrities take a unique spin on some these incredibly elegant hairstyles for their award shows and more. You too can wear these gorgeous hairstyles for your special occasions whether it is your wedding, prom night or just a night you want to remember as special. Many of the 1960s hairstyles were in transition from the big hair of the 1950s and headed towards the frizzy and out of control look of the hippie age. Before the onset of the hippie stage which occurs at the end of the 1960s the beehive was incredibly popular look for women. This was a simple and elegant hairstyle which keeps the hair out of the face with front and side sweeps as well as specific flips at the tip of the hair. Flips were incredibly popular and were used in collaboration with many different hairstyles as well as on their own. Whether you had shorter hair or long hair this great flipped look was always a sure thing.

In regards to male hairstyles of this era, the Beatles were becoming popular and therefore the men's hairstyles and lengths began to grow longer than the average crew cut of former years. The men had longer and straight hair styled much like the Beatles during this time and when the 1960s came closer to an end and the hippie age began their hair get even longer and more out of control!

Elegant Hairstyles Elegant Hairstyles Elegant Hairstyles Elegant Hairstyles Elegant Hairstyles Elegant Hairstyles Elegant Hairstyles Elegant Hairstyles Elegant Hairstyles Elegant Hairstyles Elegant Hairstyles Elegant Hairstyles

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